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A member registered Jul 01, 2017

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(3 edits)

I Hope you are planning to add some real animation to content and not just picture loops. It does need a better animation system.

Other than that, it's not bad for EA at this point. Have found a couple minor bugs, but nothing to report at this point. Enjoy 

After several hours playing while in the Bar scene and she is maxed out and had a couple dropped trays - the game will lock up and I will lose all progress to that point from last save. 

(This is on a Win10 pro gaming system)

Is it animated? and is there any plans for a soundtrack of some sort?

Thank you

I totally agree ... the MC drives me up a wall. But all good. 

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WHAT YEAR are you living in ... They didn't have things like that Back then. I gather this is supposed to be somewhere in medieval times.

Just my thoughts.

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23 animations, Mostly blinking of eyes or hand movements and 1 hand job. I do hope it will improve. 

Other than that, not bad.

Doing well and hope to see and read more. Thank you

(4 edits)

Just a Heads up .. with the newer version 0.8 .. I'm having game crashes like crazy .. I never had them before. I restarted a new game all over with 0.8 and delete all the old version and had to use ( ignore several times ) to get through episodes 1.  😌

👌 All good .. Take Care and Be Safe. 😌

Good story Line and good character writing .. EXCEPT for that stupid brother.. he plays as dumb as dumb can be. .. Sorry, love everything else about the game but him. 

Hope to see more to come and maybe some improvements on him. Take Care


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To be Honest, I think it starts with episode 3 .. some developers do things different than we think it will be .. But I might be wrong. There is an Episode 2 on his Discord Site, but I think the main version starts with 3

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Ok, You Done Good .. Great storyline so far, I like the music choices _ works good with Story and Other .. Just enough plot to keep it interesting and not a completely sexed out game, maybe a couple of other choice would be good, Just as a thought. 

Animations are done well also. Just keep up the good work and may it be a Long lived episodes to come and I almost forgot, really like your choice for characters, they fit the story. Good Laughs when needed.

Can we have a back in time with current characters remembering or talking about pass meeting (secrets of the pass).

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Basic Base build to start with

8 Things needed to be done in order:

1) .. Digout 1 side  for planters .. 4 - potatoes and 4-6 Hemps

2) .. Build 2 storage containers in Main Room to start with and PLAN on more

3) .. Build Science Room with computer Desk and get all science done .. asap

4) .. Build Ore Refinery .. needed for so many things

5) .. Build 2nd [second] Power Generator ..  you will need 3 or 4 in time

6 ) .. Build BedRoom for Happy people

7) .. Build 2nd [second] Bio Refinery .. will make life Great again ... 1 for Resin and 1 for Bioplastic's

7a) .. You need to start thinking about Med-Bay at this point .. where to build and resources.

8) .. Build Your Kitchen and place a Water Pump  with 1 oven/stove and 1-2 refridgerators to start with and plan on more [they will fill-up fast]

That is the 8 basic starting pointers;

If you need to go across water areas .. put down Utility flooring as a bridge .. Hope this helps you get started in a Fun Game .. Enjoy

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Cloning Room

Show's 4th Power Generator placement needed for 2nd cloning chamber and additional walls

The Garden area.

My base of operation  ..  looking from other end.

One note to players .. Always as soon as you can build Planters [ 3-4 potatoes and 2-3 hemps] or your little Norms will die from hunger.

My base of operations and having Fun